
Ways to Inspire Children to Think Creatively
The world needs problem solvers, dreamers, and change-makers. And kids that grow up to be confident and creative adults often have parents who encourage them to think outside the box early in life. When we empower our children to discover their own solutions to problems, we’re also giving them the tools...

How to Support Kids When They Worry
A child's first day at school, the first time they meet their best friend or the first time they swim... These events can be exciting and exhilarating for a kid. It's normal for kids to worry, and there are many ways parents can help them manage anxiety. Here are some practical things you can do. Give them...

Teaching Kids About Food Waste
Teaching kids about food waste is an important way to get them to think critically about the environment. But it's also a great way to get them to view food in a different light, leading the next generation of eaters to be more mindful of their food and how they treat...

How Kids Can Benefit From Playing Independently
Kids can benefit from playing independently. But what is independent play, and why is it important? In this article, we'll explain the benefits of independent play for kids, share how to encourage your children to do it more often and give you a list of ideas for...

Encourage a Shy Child to Try New Things
Children can be wildly imaginative. The upside of this is that the world is a curious and wondrous place to them, full of possibility and wonder. The downside? They're often anxious about what they don't know or understand. As parents, we often have a very hard time...

Inspiring Children to Resolve Conflicts Respectfully
Respectful conflict resolution is an important life skill. Children who learn how to resolve conflicts in a respectful way are better able to resolve disputes with friends, siblings and classmates. "What do you mean I have to share?!" "She was playing with that...

How to Raise a Compassionate and Caring Child
An important job of a parent is to raise a well-adjusted person who can make an impact on society. This comes from teaching them about respect and compassion for others at a young age, which means that it is up to you to lead by example. The following tips can set...

The Importance of Storytelling to Children
In the early years of childhood, babies' brains are constantly developing. At this time, they're like sponges that absorb everything around them—but without access to much knowledge about the world beyond themselves and their immediate surroundings. Stories help fill...

Talking to Your Child About Climate Change
Climate change is a topic of growing importance for our children. The impacts are far-reaching, and unlike previous generations, the effects of climate change will touch every aspect of their lives. It's important to understand how to talk about climate change with...

How to Foster Critical Thinking Skills in Your Child
It's important for kids to learn how and when to ask questions, so that they can access the knowledge and information they need in order to solve problems. If your child is struggling with a problem, for example, you may be tempted just to give them the answer—but...

Tips for Cultivating Empathy in Kids
Empathy is more than just feeling your child's pain or seeing things from their perspective; it means you're able to understand their experience, reflect it back to them in a way they'll understand, and provide support. You don't always have to agree with or excuse...

How To Get Your Kids to Cooperate
Parenting is all about getting kids to cooperate. Have you had your fair share of experiences trying to reason with little ones who don't want to do what they're told? While it might seem like your house is the only one in which kids refuse to listen, you're certainly...

How to Get Your Kids to Chat About Their Day?
Asking your kids about their day at school is usually met with a one-word answer or a grunt. You might be tempted to get angry with their nonchalant response but remember that if you are usually not around during the day and all of a sudden want to know every minute...

How to Teach Children About Healthy Eating
Of course, you want your child to be healthy and eat well, but how do you make sure they're eating right and getting the nutrition they need? While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, here are a few tips for teaching your child about healthy eating that can help you...