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Every Question Has A Story

Kids teach us to think outside the box and to connect the dots in surprising ways. When children make themselves more aware of who they are and how they perceive the world, they will grow into people of greater compassion and accomplishment.

The Gifted curriculum is based on the four core skills that help us all to think more creatively, ask better questions, empathise with others, and talk about our ideas with power and purpose.


It's important to promote critical thinking from a young age as it helps us perceive the world around us more clearly, and become purposeful critical thinkers, who balance logic, knowledge and intuition.


Kids absorb information through communication. Who hasn't been taught something better by an analogy or a good old story? By communicating with each other, we learn, we practice, we refine.


We want to help you create a more empathetic and well-functioning world. What does that mean? It’s simple! We need you to show kids how to take care of each other and the planet.


Nothing is impossible for those who look at the world with imagination. Creative thinking has the power to deliver solutions to problems which would have otherwise seemed insurmountable.

 Take A Peek Inside

Multiple Profiles

You can create multiple profiles for all of your children, for relatives or even for your friends. You can switch between those profiles and remove or add new ones anytime you want.

Remember The Journey

Gifted helps you record and keep track of your child's progress and development throughout the years. Cherish each question by writing down your remarks or just random thoughts if you want to. This journal will be a helpful reference for your child in the future.





Look At Their Minds Grow

Take a peek at your child's mind as they progress through the four core categories. Interactive charts make it easy to see which categories interest your child the most and reveal their unique learning style. View journals to remember what you've learned together and identify new interests.

Share Your Parenting Gift

Gifted App is more than an app for children. It's a playground for parents, a place where words are shared openly with the community. It's full of stories and ideas, tips and tricks - all geared towards raising the next generation to be better humans.

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